Do you have an Emergency Binder set up with information and important documents to make emergency situations a little less stressful? What would happen if your husband passed away suddenly and you had no idea how to manage the family finances, or even how to access your bank account online? Here’s why you need a Family Emergency Binder, a checklist of what to include in your binder, and how to make your own!
*This post was originally published in January 2020. The post and my original Emergency Binder have been recently updated to include specific sections and pages that readers have requested. What If? Binder is my registered trademark.
Why I Created this Emergency Binder
I almost died. True story.
About 7 years ago, after I had just given birth to our youngest daughter, I went to the ER because I hadn’t been feeling quite right. Fast forward a few days, and I’m laid up in the ICU with the doctors telling me that it’s a miracle that I’m alive.
And after you have a traumatic experience, it makes you start asking questions about your life, like: “What if?” What if I had died? What would my husband do?
For our family, my passing would mean a HUGE amount of STRESS for my husband. I manage every single penny of our finances…. By myself.
My husband can’t tell you the name of our mortgage company, or the password to our online bank account. He couldn’t tell you what day our electricity payment is drafted, or the average monthly total for our water bill. He couldn’t tell you what company our home owner’s insurance is with, or how to access our stock account.
If I died, he would be LOST.
And I bet that’s how it is for most families. Where only one person takes care of the day-to-day stuff like that.
The loss of a family member can be stressful enough, without having to worry about begging and pleading with companies to give you passwords and account access without you being listed as an authorized user. And without you worrying about a surprise payment being drafted out of your checking account.
So, I decided to be proactive and create an Emergency Binder, perfectly organized with all of the essential information and important documents that my husband would need in case of an emergency. And I call it my…
“What If?” Binder – Which is basically my name for an In Case of Emergency Binder or In Case of Death Binder.
If you want to work on your emergency preparedness, too, then here are my best tips for how to create an Emergency Binder…
What is an Emergency Binder?
An Emergency Binder is a collection of important information and documents that is readily available in case of natural disasters, medical emergencies, unexpected events, or a family death that deems a household head incapable of performing household management duties.
An Emergency Binder should at the very least include personal information for everyone in your family, financial account information including auto-pay and pending transactions, usernames and passwords for online accounts, emergency contacts, and legal documents (or instructions for where to find legal documents).
Beyond that, your Emergency Binder can also include final wishes and funeral preferences, letters to loved ones, important medical records, USB drives of family photos, etc.
Why YOU need an Emergency Binder…
An Emergency Binder can make an already stressful event a little bit easier to bare., The Department of Homeland Security’s site dedicated to Disasters and Emergencies, says that “having access to personal financial, insurance, medical, and other records is crucial for starting the recovery process quickly and efficiently.”
No, an Emergency Binder won’t help you grieve the loss of a loved one, or the destruction of the home where you raised your children. But, it will help to alleviate the mountain of stress in times of crisis.
An Emergency Binder can be used to:
- Quickly find important documents for insurance claims
- Store or give locations of legal documents like social security cards, birth certificates, and wills
- Give surviving family members access to financial information
- Keep a record of important user names and passwords
- Let loved ones know of funeral preferences and final wishes
- Give you peace of mind that you’re prepared for the unexpected
But most of all, it’s a way to look after your loved ones after you’re gone, by lessening the burden of after-death necessities.
In an article written for Time Magazine about the importance of a “When I Die” File, Shoshana Berger and BJ Miller said that “shutting down” the life of a deceased family member “was an agonizing process that took us nearly two years to complete”.
An In Case of Emergency Binder can make picking up the pieces and closing the final chapter of life that much easier for those you leave behind.
How to Create an In Case of Emergency Binder
There are a LOAD of options when it comes to how to make an Emergency Binder.
To create an In Case of Emergency Binder, you can:
- Purchase a PDF version of an Emergency Binder that you simply print out and fill-in with all necessary information
- Scan in all documents and save to a USB drive with separate digital files for personal info, medical info, insurance policies, online account log-in info, etc.
- Create a FREE Google Drive with all necessary information and share the username and password with your estate manager or a family member – Though storing this vital information on the internet is my least favorite option.
- Write down all necessary information and store in a 3-ring binder with separate dividers for each category
- Use the free tools provided by
You can get my Emergency Binder here!
What to Include in a Family Emergency Binder
Your Emergency Binder should include everything you would need to restart your life after a natural disaster, or everything your family should need if your household manager were to pass away or have a medical emergency.
However, with such a wealth of information, it’s important to have a good organizational system in place so that key documents can be found quickly. And it’s also crucial to store your binder in a secure location so it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands – but more about that later.
Here is a Emergency Binder checklist of important details and key items to include in your Binder, separated by category:
Personal Information for all immediate family members and pets
This type of personal information is important for an emergency preparedness binder, because it could be used if you were to get separated from your family members during a natural disaster, or if both you and your spouse passed away leaving someone else to care for your children or pets. Think of this section as a “personal summary” of sorts – before you dive into things like financial accounts, etc.
- Basic contact information such as full name, address, phone number
- Birthday
- Social security numbers
- Driver’s License or ID # (if applicable)
- Email address
- Identifying marks such as tattoos, birth marks, etc.
- Height, weight, eye and hair colors
- Basic medical information including primary doctor’s name and contact info, allergies, current medications, prior hospitalizations
- Employer information including name and contact info
- School information for children including name of school, grade, and school contact info
- Space to attach a current photo
- Pet information including microchip number, vet information, vaccination record, food type and feeding schedule, etc.
Medical Information
The medical section of your binder is especially important if you have family members that deal with chronic diseases or have past surgeries or conditions that may impact future medical treatments. Include these items in your Emergency Binder if applicable:
- At-a-glance Medical Summary information for each family member including blood type, medical conditions and treatments or medication for each condition, current medications with doses, allergies including reactions and treatment
- Emergency medical information at-a-glance including preferred hospital, primary and second health insurance policy information, and 2 emergency contacts
- Medical contacts including primary doctor, dentist, specialists, and pharmacy
- Health insurance details including carrier, plan information, deductible, and a brief summary of benefits
- Prescription insurance details
- Vaccination records for each family member
- Family medical history
Insurance information
You should have insurance information including company names, policy numbers, and agent names and contact info for each of the following:
- All vehicles
- Home and/or Renter’s Insurance
- Boats and other assets
In the event of a natural disaster or fire, you should also have a home inventory list in your Emergency Binder with the following information for any valuables:
- Item description
- Date of purchase
- Purchase price
- Serial # or Model
- Location of the item in your home
- Receipt or photo for the item if available
In addition, you should have the following information available for your medical insurance and life insurance:
- Medical insurance documents
- Insurance cards for each family member
- A summary of coverage information including co-pays, deductibles, limits, etc.
- Preferred doctors and hospitals
- Life insurance documents
- Copy of life insurance policy including company, agent name, and policy number
- Benefit amount
- Name and contact info for beneficiary
Emergency Contact Info
Include name, address, and phone numbers for the following medical and professional emergency contacts:
- Primary Doctor
- Pediatrician
- Dentist
- Veterinarian (if you have pets)
- Preferred hospital
- Lawyer (if your will and/or trust documents are on file with one)
- Accountant
- Banker
In addition, it’s important to leave contact information for those family and friends that will need to be contacted in the event of an emergency. You should include the following for each of your personal contacts in your Emergency Binder as well:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Email address
- Relationship to you
- Instructions for how you wish for that person to be contacted including any final letters that you have prepared for that person, etc.
Click HERE to get my Emergency Binder PDF!
Household Expenses
This section is mainly for surviving spouses that do not have experience in dealing with the household expense accounts.
Separate each expense by category:
- Mortgage or Rent
- Electricity
- Water
- Gas
- TV
- Internet
- Cell Phone
- Car Loan(s)
- Any other recurring monthly expenses like Netflix, Hulu, etc
- Car Insurance
- Home or Renter’s Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Life Insurance
Then, for each expense item include important details that your family would need to know to continue to successfully manage the finances including:
- Company Name
- Account Number
- Payment Address
- Monthly Due Date for payments
- Average Monthly Expense
- Website, username, and password for online account
- Whether or not auto-pay is set up for that account, and if so, the date of the bank draft
It may also be a good idea to include a “Monthly Expenses at a Glance” page in this section to serve as a quick reference guide.
Usernames and Passwords
In today’s digital world, so many of our affairs our handled online. It’s important to leave a list of usernames and passwords for ALL websites that your surviving spouse or children may need to access after your death.
Plus, you should include passwords and codes for the following in your Emergency Binder:
- All family cell phones
- Social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc)
- Home security system
- Home safe
- All home computers
- Home wi-fi
It can also be helpful to include a list of common security questions and answers, such as the name of your high school, the name of your first pet, the make of your first car… Questions that are commonly used to verify access to online accounts.
My printable Emergency Binder even includes a separate worksheet to jot down these security questions and answers.
Financial Account Information
It’s crucial that surviving spouses have access to all financial accounts to be able to easily assume the financial manager role for the family.
It’s stressful enough to grieve the loss of a family member, without also having to worry about a credit score reduction because of missed payments.
Here are some important financial details to include in your Emergency Binder:
- Bank name, phone number, and account numbers
- Debit card numbers and PIN numbers
- Online banking log-in information including website URL, username, and password
- Stock account information including brokerage name and contact info, account number, and online log-in information
- Information on retirement accounts and other investments
- Credit Card Information including card name, account number, due date, and online account log-in information
Final Preparations in Case of Death
This section of your In Case of Death binder should contain everything that a surviving spouse or other family members should need in the event of a death.
This is where you can outline your final wishes regarding your burial or cremation, funeral arrangements, obituary, etc. You can also designate family members and friends that you would like to perform special duties at your funeral.
In this section of your Emergency Binder, you should also include instructions for accessing Wills, Advanced Healthcare Directives, and Power of Attorney documents.
In addition, you may choose to leave sealed notes for family members (like a final good-bye), photos to be used for a funeral or obituary, and notes for how you would like family and friends to be notified.
Important Documents for Your Emergency Binder
It’s amazing how much paperwork a person can amass in a lifetime. Besides the obvious legal documents like social security cards, birth certificates, passports, and marriage certificates, you also need to include other documents that you may not think about in the event of an emergency.
Include things like:
- Pet vaccination records
- Military service records
- Vehicle titles
- Cemetery deeds
- Stock certificates
- School diplomas
- College transcripts
- Receipts for valuables
And, if you don’t want to include the sensitive documents themselves in your Emergency Binder, then leave detailed notes for where and how to access each important document.
I’ve included a worksheet in my Emergency Binder PDF for that specific purpose.
Documents Checklist for your Emergency Binder
Gathering up all of the necessary documents to make an Emergency Binder is probably the most difficult part of the process, so I created a FREE Important Documents Checklist to help you get started.
I suggest taking a few weeks to go through this checklist, so as not to get overwhelmed. Also, you will probably need extra time to obtain certain documents that you may not already have on hand.
Printable Emergency Binder PDF
If you’re looking for an Emergency Binder PDF template that you just need to print out and fill in, then you will LOVE my best-selling family emergency binder! With over 5,000 binders sold, this is THE all-in-one solution that you need to create your In Case of Emergency Binder, so you don’t forget to include important details like the password to your computer or the location of your storage unit!
It’s jam-packed with all of the information that you need to create your own Emergency Binder in case of a death in your family or other emergency! The downloadable PDF comes with 180 detailed pages to help you get super organized!
Plus, you can even type your information directly into the PDF and save a digital copy to your computer, so you don’t have to print it out each time that your information changes!
The In Case of Emergency Binder is available in my printables shop HERE!
Supplies to Make an Emergency Binder
The supplies that you need will depend on what type of “binder” system that you choose to create. If you use my “What If?” Emergency Binder template, then I recommend the following:
- A sturdy 2″ or larger 3 ring binder – A 2″ thick binder will allow space to include copies of multiple insurance policies, extra notes, etc.
- Dividers – to easily divide all of the information into sections
- Sheet protectors – You can use page protectors for each page of your printable Emergency Binder, and multi-page documents like insurance policies may fit into one page protector to keep them nice and neat
- Zippered pockets to fit in the binder – Helpful for including smaller items like health insurance cards, receipts for valuables, safety deposit box keys, USB drives, small photos, etc. in your Emergency Binder
Where to Store Your Family Emergency Binder
Your finished Emergency Binder will include a TON of personal and sensitive information, so it’s important to store it in a safe place.
To protect your binder, it is best to store it in a home safe or document storage box that is fireproof and waterproof OR a bank safety deposit box.
If setting up a USB device with all emergency preparedness documents, you can give the USB to a trusted family member, or keep it in a home safe or bank security deposit box.
*Note – If you keep your Emergency Binder somewhere that requires a key or a security code, be sure to give those details to a spouse AND another trusted family member. That way, loved ones can access your information in the event of an emergency.
I hope that I’ve inspired you to create your own family Emergency Binder to take a little bit of the stress out of whatever emergency situations life throws at you.
I know… the death of your spouse is NOT a pleasant thing to think about, but you have no idea when or how it will happen. I never would have thought that as a healthy-as-a-horse 27 year old woman, I would be fighting for life after having heart failure and going into septic shock.
But, it taught me the importance of easing the burden for loved ones left behind. Be sure that you take care of your family, too, by setting up your own Emergency Binder… sooner rather than later.
And be sure to PIN this post for later:
Comments & Reviews
John Petersen says
If you have no way to download the 80 page pdf is there a way to receive a hard copy of the documents?
Amy says
Hi John! Unfortunately I don’t offer printing and mailing services. The Emergency Binder is only available as a PDF. Sorry about that!
Heather says
A must needed item
Margo says
Thank you so much for your informative post! I am in the process of doing this, but have been overwhelmed. Your system makes it so easy!
Diane Jeffrey says
Must needed Binder. Great information.
Jeannie Edwards says
helpful info, very important to be prepared in the event of the loss of your spouse.
Barbara Ducote says
You do not want to store in a safety deposit box. Those are sealed by the institution immediately after your death. Yes they really do have access to all deaths.
Linda Martin says
This is a Great idea to have when You are Not Thinking About when something happens to A Family Member if This Person doesn’t know what to do Then all they have to Do is Get Out the Emergency Kit or whatever you call it . Thanks for sharing this idea with Everyone.
Sandy says
Can I print this binder from a Chromebook?
Amy says
Hi Sandy! As long as you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on the Chromebook then you should be good! You can download Acrobat Reader online for free. 🙂
Teresa says
If I bought your emergency binder would I be able to take it to an office max and have it printed off? If so, how would I go about doing that?
Thank you in advance
Amy says
Hi Teresa! Yes, you can definitely have it printed at any office supply store. You can transfer the file to a USB drive and take it to the store that way, or you can also do a print order on Office Max’s website and upload the file when you’re placing the order, then just go to the store to pick it up. Let me know if you have any other questions, and thanks so much for your order! 🙂
Susie says
I lost my husband of 54 years very, very suddenly four months ago and cannot believe how unprepared I was. I want to do your binder so my niece will have no problems dealing with things when I am gone. Your binder and other documents look fabulous. I also need your decluttering, cleaning, and financial lists.
Tammy Thomas says
Amy, thank you so very much! This is such a great idea and so well done! The download is worth every penny! I started to try to put this together myself… oh so very time-consuming. You have done all of the hard work. Now we just need to fill in the blanks. My husband and I retired to South Carolina. My family is in Wisconsin… My husband’s family is in Georgia. A binder like this is a must for us but really all families! Thank you for being so creative, mindful, and responsive! I wish you and your family all of the best for continued health and happiness.
Lizz says
This is super helpful – after watching my mom deal with my dad’s death 14 years ago, I can easily recognize how important something like this can be in moments like that. Thank you so much for compiling so much info into easy to understand formats!
Danielle says
Do you have a UK version? or are these all US versions?
Amy says
Hi Danielle! I have a Canadian version, but unfortunately, I haven’t created a UK version yet. Sorry about that! 🙂
Rose Minard says
Thank you for such a complete organization of emergency information. I am looking forward to getting our information set up.
Laura David says
I’d gladly pay for several binders, but I’m not interested in emails or newsletter.
Is that possible? I’m in Canada.
Amy says
Hi Laura! Yes, absolutely! The Emergency Binder is available for sale in my shop here: – If you decide to purchase just send me an email to let me know, because I can email you the Canadian version (the one in the shop is a US version with things like zip code, state, etc). 🙂
Dave Carlson says
Thanks so much!
Wrentha says
I’m interested
mary jean says
Thanks for posting. I can’t wait to get started with my emergency binder. I too, almost died 13 yrs ago. My husband would not have known my wishes or what to do. This should be a must in every home. Thanks again.
wendi says
I am very interested to get started. Thanks!
Brenda Dunn says
This is probably the best organizational piece of this topic. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge.
Amy says
Hi Brenda! Thanks so much! Glad you found all of the Emergency Binder info useful. Since I went through my own personal emergency, I just racked my brain to think of absolutely everything that my husband would know “just in case”. And so many people don’t think about all of the little things until it’s too late. Thanks for your comment! 🙂
Hillary says
This is excellent! I just started pulling together documentation for my family but have been overwhelmed by what to put in there. So helpful! Thank you for sharing this!
Amy says
Hi Hillary! Glad you found the post helpful! I’ve got another post here that focuses just on what documents to keep, if that’s helpful for you also:
Jenn says
We just had a family emergency with my sister, and my Nephew knows nothing about her medical history. So, this will be something that he will need to do too. I’m doing this, as I’m the main person to handle our bills and documents. But, having this will help my husband and son too.
Amy says
Hi Jenn! So sorry to hear about your family emergency, and yes, having an Emergency Binder like this is such a necessity. And it’s nice to have all information in one safe place. Thanks for your comment! 🙂
Linda says
Would love a copy
Amy says
Hi Linda! The Emergency Binder is available for purchase in my shop here – If you meant that you wanted a copy of the free printable documents checklist, then that is available in my freebies library (look for the newsletter sign-up box in the post)… If you need more help you can email me at [email protected] 🙂
Nidia says
Thank you for making me aware of how important it is to be prepared “What if”
Amy says
Hi Nidia! Yes, an Emergency Binder is such an important thing to have… you don’t really think about it until you go through a health scare or other emergency. Glad the post helped you! 🙂
Ziggy says
Hi I signed up for your mailing list. How do I access the checklist?
Amy says
Hi! You should have received an email with the link to the freebies library… The Emergency Binder checklist is in the freebies library under the “Planning and Organization” section. Let me know if you have any other questions! 🙂
Pam says
Thank you for your article. It is very inspiring to get started on reducing the fear and anxiousness of a possible disaster.
I have been told preparedness assists greater in reducing these symptoms.
Amy says
Thanks so much Pam! Yes, an Emergency Binder is such an important resource to have… one of those things that you hope you won’t need too soon, but if you do you’ll be super glad that you put in the time and effort to get all of the info together. 🙂
Doreen says
I can’t wait to start putting it together for my family. Thank you.
Amy says
Awesome Doreen! I hope the Emergency Binder printable helps you get everything organized… it’s such an important resource to have! 🙂
Kelly Stoner says
This is such a great idea. You thought of everything! Even the beloved pets!
Amy says
Thanks so much Kelly! Hope the binder helps you… you really don’t think about needing this information until you have a completely unexpected health scare! 🙂
Patricia says
I will check my email for my free down load. I am Gratefully for you offering the for free when so many companies are out for a buck. Thank you from someone one a fixed income.
Amy says
Hi Patricia! I am happy to help, and I’m so glad that the free printables in the freebies library are helping you. 🙂
Lauren says
This was terrific. This will help to get me organized especially for an emergency. Thank you
Amy says
Hi Lauren! Yes, Emergency Binders like this one are so important to have, because you never know what tomorrow will bring… even if you’re still young. Thanks so much for the comment, and glad the binder is going to help you! 🙂
Dawn says
Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for. Some of the things that you said were important for a surviving spouse are even more important for us singletons so that our children, other family members or friends can make sure everything is taken care of. I’ve been thinking about getting something put together for a few months now and was happy to see your post along with your pdf, which I just purchased.
Amy says
Hi Dawn! I’m so glad the post helped you! This really is such an important topic that most people probably don’t even think about… I know putting together an Emergency Binder when I was in my 20’s was the last thing on my mind, but then you have a health scare and you start thinking about the “mess” of information that only you have. Thanks so much for your purchase, and be sure to reach out if you have any questions about the PDF! 🙂
Phillip says
I have a question about that product. Once purchased do we have the option to add more sheets of a specific area if needed? ( example username & passwords) if we find we have more than a single sheet can hold? I guessing this is an option if I print it, but what out if I choose to fill it all out on the computer?
Amy says
Hi Phillip! I can definitely duplicate pages for you, and then send you those pages in a separate file so that you can type in them as well. When I was designing the binder, I really tried to make sure that there was plenty of space to make it universal for a bunch of different people/families. For instance, there’s space to record info for 4 minor children and 4 adult children, 10 different investment accounts, etc. And there are 2 whole pages for website passwords, with social media accounts/cell phones having their own pages for log-in info. But like I said, I can absolutely send you copies of whichever pages that you need. You can just send me an email to [email protected] Let me know if you have any other questions. 🙂
Pam Heseman says
I just downloaded the What If file. I paid through Pay Pal. When I downloaded the file, I just got a bunch of symbols. Now what?
Amy says
Hi Pam! Thanks so much for your purchase! It sounds like you’re maybe not using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the file. I will email you the directions right now for how to download the file and open/save it with Adobe Reader. 🙂
Phil Palmer says
Is there a way to download or purchase the word documents for this?
Amy says
Hi! No, the Emergency Binder is only available in PDF… sorry about that! 🙂
Sue says
Add Healthcare/Advanced Directive to Category 2.
Anne says
Thank you, Amy, for responding so quickly and resolving the problem!!!
This is a great product and will be appreciated by my family!!
Anne says
I just purchased and the download was a mass of symbols and letters. Would you please email me the PDF or I will need to decline payment on my credit card.
Thank you.
Amy says
Hi Anne! Did you use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the file? Sending you a different file version to try right now. Thanks! 🙂
Alexandra says
I have no idea where to start please help… I am 58 yrs old and I always worry about my son Future once I am gone, he doesn’t have any friends or close relatives do to his Anxiety and Depreciation, he can not leave the house unless he is going to a familiar place like the Dr. appointment, grocery store.
Where or how can I get a copy on how to put a Emergency Binder tougher?
I apreciated if you can help me.
Bonnie says
I found you at the perfect time! We are going thru the inlaws house and their Bill’s and trying to get things in order. I am starting our book right now so our children won’t be going thru what we are. Thanks!
Amy says
Yes! I originally created the binder for my husband, just in case anything ever happens to me and he needs to find household and financial info quickly, but so many people have messaged me saying that they’re creating an Emergency Binder for their kids. Glad you found me at the right time, too! 🙂
Charlene says
Can I get a hard copy of of it all? I have no computer, just my phone.
Thank you
Marita says
I did not realize just how much my family would need if my husband and should die. Thanks for the info and I going to start my book right away
Amy says
Hi Marita! Yes, there is a lot of info to get together once you start thinking about all of your financial accounts, bills, passwords, home info, etc. But at least you’re being proactive and starting now! Thanks for your comment! 🙂
Kristy says
So awesome and a lot of information!! Thank you, thank you!!!
Amy says
Hi Kristy! So glad you enjoyed the post! You don’t really think about needing an Emergency Binder until something bad happens to you… Laying in the hospital bed I remember thinking, “My husband would be clueless if something happened to me!”. Thanks so much for your comment! 🙂
Mandy says
Just ordered your 59 (!!!) page “What If” binder document. Fortunately I made a good start on getting this information together last year but I see there’s still work ahead of me. Based on my experiences so far, I would urge people not to underestimate the amount of time and effort needed to get this task done properly. Don’t wait until the hurricane hits the Yucatan before getting started, as I did. (The hurricane missed us by 125 miles but Lady Luck may not be so kind next time). And review and update everything at least once a year. I took a peek at my current binder last week and found a surprising amount of outdated information after only ten months.
Amy says
Hi Mandy! So glad the hurricane missed you! My parents went through a hurricane in FL a few years back, and their house flooded, even though it was on about 8 foot stilts. It was devastating! Yes, you are so right… it can take a while to get all of your info together, especially if you have a lot of financial accounts, insurance policies, etc. But it will be well worth the time if you ever actually need it for an emergency. I really created my Emergency Binder more for my husband, in the event that something happens to me. I manage ALL of the finances, bills, etc in our house, and he would be absolutely CLUELESS without me! But, the Emergency Binder is also great for natural disasters and other emergencies. Thanks so much for your comment and your advice for people to start early! And thanks for purchasing the binder! 🙂