Asking Would You Rather questions for couples is a fun way to add something fresh to your conversations with your significant other! Here’s a list of 100+ fun and thoughtful would you rather couple questions!
With the events of recent years, couples have more than likely spent more dates nights IN as opposed to out. My husband and I have certainly had to get creative with our stay at home date night ideas at times, especially in the midst of our hectic schedules and random school closures.
Whether you’re in a new relationship or have been together for several years, sometimes it can be a challenge to open the doorway to meaningful conversations without making them seem forced. And there’s really nothing more uncomfortable than awkwardly staring at each other over bowls of homemade spaghetti because your favorite Italian restaurant is closed.
While my husband and I are pretty solid on the communication front, there have been times when our conversation topics needed a little spicing up. That’s where would you rather questions for couples comes in for the win!
I like couples would you rather questions because while something like, “What’s your favorite movie” could potentially send your partner down a cinematic rabbit hole, they HAVE to choose between whichever two options you give them.
Then there’s the whole defending your stance aspect of it. Communication obstacles solved!
If you’re searching for some communication inspiration, I’ve compiled 100 Would You Rather Questions for Couples that you can use in many different situations to spark laughter, get to know each other more deeply, and strengthen your relationship.
Why You Should Ask Your Spouse Questions
If you’ve been married for 15+ years like I have, the conversations between you and your spouse can start to bend towards the everyday and mundane. At this time in your relationship, you probably know everything about each other, and you’ve had over a decade to discuss a variety of topics already… and you could feel bored in your marriage.
So Would You Rather Questions and other conversation starters for couples are a great way to inject a little excitement back into your conversations!
By the way, after you’re done with these would you rather ideas, check out 90 Meaningful Conversation Starters for Couples to Connect and grab these printable cards with more open-ended and thought-provoking questions:
And, relying on printable question cards to guide your conversations is also a great way to bring up topics that may be difficult to talk about. For instance, you may be shy to ask about your husband’s preferences when it comes to intimacy, but if you draw a card out of a stack, then it’s not really YOU that’s bringing it up… it’s just the “luck of the draw”.
Ideas for Using the Would You Rather Questions for Couples
So, what’s the best way to use these couples would you rather questions?
Well, the beautiful thing is – you can try them in tons of different scenarios! I suggest bookmarking this page on your phone so you can pull them up anytime you want, or you can print out the question cards at the end of this post to take with you wherever you go.
These couples Would You Rather questions are great for anytime that you want to engage in some conversation with your significant other, beyond discussing the week’s dinner menu or the plan for the upcoming weekend.
Here are a few suggestions for how you can use couples would you rather questions to grow closer to your significant other:
- At the dinner table: Read a few questions while you’re enjoying a meal together
- Road trips: Shuffle the question cards and take turns answering them on the way to your in-laws’ house
- Date nights: Read them off your phone while you’re enjoying your appetizers
- While you’re out on a walk: Stick a few cards in your pocket and have some fun discussing answers while you’re out enjoying nature
- While you’re grocery shopping: Turn a mundane trip to the grocery store into a chance for genuine connection
- While you’re cooking dinner together – Prepare a great meal AND have a great conversation while you’re doing it… Win win!
- Coffee date – A good cup of coffee and a comfy (and private!) sitting area is the perfect environment for good conversation!
- Laying in bed at night – You could keep a list of would you rather questions in your nightstand, and then when you get in bed, discuss one or two.
- In the shower – My husband and I take a shower together every single night… and we have some of our best conversations in the shower. In fact, showering together is one of my 10 best marriage tips! Think about it… you can’t take your phone in the shower, or be distracted by the tv, so it’s the perfect time to talk and reconnect at the end of the day.
117 Couples Would You Rather Questions
Thoughtful and Deep Would You Rather Questions for Couples
When you think of “Would you rather?”, the teenage game of asking off-the-wall questions probably comes to mind. But asking these types of either-or questions is a great way to learn about your spouse’s preferences on important matters as well.
Here are some deep Would You Rather Questions to ask your husband that could lead to some awesome thought-provoking conversations:
- If you could choose only one, would you rather have our child be extraordinarily smart or incredibly beautiful – think National Spelling Bee champion or Miss USA?
2. Would you rather receive an award in recognition of your hard work or your physical appearance?
3. Would you rather our kids go to trade school or a more traditional college?
4. Would you rather have people respect you because of your work ethic or your intelligence?
5. Would you rather be known as “the life of the party” or “a shoulder to cry on”?
6. Would you rather be incredibly successful in your career but have no time for family or have more time to spend with your family and achieve less at work?
7. Would you rather have a few close friends or 20 average friends?
8. Would you rather outlive your partner or have your partner outlive you?
9. Would you rather lose all of the money you earned this year or lose all of the memories you made this year?
10. Would you rather know when you die or how you die?
11. Would you rather have no children or ten children?
12. Would you rather spend holidays with your extended family or your partner’s extended family?
13. Would you rather cook all of the meals or do all of the dishes?
14. If given a choice, would you rather live in a big city or a small town?
15. Would you rather lose your sense of hearing or your sense of sight?
16. Would you rather be with someone who hates pets or loves them more than you do?
17. Would you rather be able to change the future or the past?
18. Would you rather be able to give your children 20 presents each for Christmas or just one?
19. Would you rather give up social media for a year or give up reading books for a year?
20. Would you rather your children become wealthy and unhappy or poor and content?
21. Would you rather never make mistakes or learn from your mistakes?
22. Would you rather forget the worst moment of your life or remember the best moment of your life?
23. Would you rather be 25 for the rest of your life or 45 for the rest of your life?
24. Would you rather know everything your loved ones have ever said about you or say everything you think when you think it?
25. Would you rather work from home or work from an office?
26. If you won a million dollars, would you rather give all of it to charity or spend it on yourself?
27. Would you rather let me buy my own gifts or think of them yourself?
28. Would you rather have the power of invisibility or be able to read minds?
29. Would you rather always be late or always be early?
30. Would you rather go on vacation with kids or leave them with their grandparents and just go with your partner?
31. Would you rather get up early or stay up late?
32. Would you rather have a partner who is constantly on social media or one who doesn’t have any social media?
33. Would you rather forget your wedding anniversary or your partner’s birthday?
34. Would you rather work for yourself or someone else?
35. Would you rather have more time or more money?
36. Would you rather ask for help or figure it out on your own?
Fun Would You Rather Questions for Couples
- Would you rather go out to the movies or watch a movie at home?
2. Would you rather go skydiving or go for a hot air balloon ride?
3. Would you rather live in an extremely cold place like Alaska or an extremely hot place like Arizona?
4. Would you rather own a second home in New York City or middle of nowhere Montana?
5. Would you rather give up ice cream or cake for the rest of your life?
6. If you absolutely HAD to get rid of one, would you get rid of the internet or the tv? And, no, you can’t use your computer to stream TV shows or movies.
7. Would you rather give up your sense of smell or your sense of touch?
8. Would you rather be married to someone who was incredibly beautiful or incredibly intelligent?
9. Would you rather that I was a world-class chef or an excellent house cleaner?
10. Would you rather wake up to find a non-venomous snake in your bed or a tarantula spider?
11. Would you rather be with someone who snores loudly or moves around a lot in their sleep?
12. Would you rather read the book first or see the movie first?
13. If money were no object, would you rather go on a cruise or visit an all-inclusive resort?
14. Would you rather vacation in Europe or South America?
15. Would you rather have an embarrassing tattoo or a bad piercing?
16. Would you rather not shower for a month or not brush your teeth for a month?
17. Would you rather have a personal chef or a personal trainer?
18. Would you rather eat ice cream every day or never eat ice cream again?
19. Would you rather always be too hot or always be too cold?
20. Would you rather live the life of a cat or a dog?
21. Would you rather meet your favorite actor or your favorite singer?
22. Would you rather faint at an important work meeting or at your wedding?
23. Would you rather live in a haunted house for a month or a deserted island for a month?
24. Would you rather sleep on an incredibly hard mattress or an overly soft one?
25. Would you rather fall in public or fart in public?
26. Would you rather be able to speak every language or be able to talk to all animals?
27. Would you rather go ziplining or bungee jumping?
28. Would you rather wear sweatpants every day for the rest of your life or have to wear a business suit everyday?
29. Would you rather have an expensive car or a huge house?
30. Would you rather swim with dolphins or sharks?
31. Would you rather have to eat moldy bread or moldy cheese?
32. Would you rather have to whisper everything you say or sing everything you say?
33. Would you rather get rid of all mosquitos or all flies?
34. Would you rather live 200 years in the past or 200 years in the future?
35. Would you rather be serenaded by Lady Gaga or Michael Buble?
36. Would you rather do karaoke with your partner or take a dance class with them?
37. Would you rather be able to teleport everywhere or fly everywhere?
38. Would you rather get a professional massage or a personal massage from your partner?
39. Would you rather be on a dating show or a survival show?
40. Would you rather your food always be too spicy or always be too sweet?
41. Would you rather eat chips and salsa or chips and queso?
42. Would you rather give up chocolate or pizza?
Hypothetical Would You Rather Relationship Questions
These relationship would you rather questions are directly related to different aspects of your relationship… like what your partner would rather have happen in the future, etc.
- If one of us were to get a substantial raise, would you rather maintain the same lifestyle and save the extra money or would you rather upgrade certain things like the car, furniture, etc?
2. If a problem comes up that I know I can handle on my own, would you rather me just deal with it or would you rather me discuss it with you?
3. Would you rather me plan a surprise anniversary trip or would you rather plan a trip together?
4. Would you rather feel comfortable in a relationship or feel like the relationship has a lot of surprises?
5. Would you rather that I give you an extravagant gift like a new watch or do something really nice for you like wash and detail your car? You can find out more about your husband’s love language here.
6. Would you rather your partner lie to you to protect your feelings or tell you the truth knowing that it would hurt you?
7. Would you rather that I make you a homemade gift or buy you a gift?
8. Would you rather have the same hobbies as me or different ones?
9. Would you rather be the couple that everyone is envious of or the couple everyone wants to be friends with?
10. Would you rather go on a couple’s safari in Africa or to a fancy resort in the Caribbean?
11. Would you rather stay in for date night or go out somewhere?
12. Would you rather hold hands with me for six hours straight or never hold my hand again?
13. Would you rather get a text from me every five minutes or not hear from me the whole day?
14. Would you rather eat out for every meal or have to cook every meal?
15. Would you rather go on a long hike together or a long drive?
16. Would you rather go to a theme park together or a broadway show?
17. Would you rather get a terrible anniversary gift or nothing at all?
18. Would you rather always know what to expect from your partner or constantly be surprised?
19. Would you rather have a partner who’s a fantastic cook or one who’s incredibly wealthy?
20. Would you rather give each other the silent treatment when we’re mad or yell at each other?
21. Would you rather call a professional to do home repairs or fix them yourself?
22. Would you rather always be the first to apologize or never apologize?
23. Would you rather get matching tattoos or always wear matching clothes?
24. Would you rather stay home while I work full-time or the other way around?
25. Would you rather have an emergency fund or a travel fund?
26. Would you rather take long drives together or long walks together?
27. Would you rather have similar taste in music or food?
28. Would you rather be with someone who gets jealous easily or is almost too laid back?
29. Would you rather your partner always be overdressed or always be underdressed?
30. Would you rather spend $5,000 on a trip or on something you need for your house (TV, new bedroom suite, etc)?
31. Would you rather always have to bring your work home with you or constantly stay late at your job?
32. Would you rather get up early and spend extra time with me or sleep in and spend the day alone?
33. Would you rather do all of the grocery shopping or stay home with the kids while I go grocery shopping?
34. Would you rather cook every meal or do all of the cleaning?
35. Would you rather have a high-paying job that you hate or a low-paying job that’s fulfilling?
36. Would you rather be the one driving or the one giving directions?
37. Would you rather have more pets than children or more children than pets?
38. Would you rather only be able to communicate with each other through text messaging or email?
39. Would you rather come home to see me dressed in sexy lingerie or in your t-shirt (and nothing else)?
Printable Would You Rather for Couples Question Cards
Want to turn these fun would you rather questions into a portable couples game for when you’re on the go? You can grab the printable Would You Rather Questions in cute card form, so that you can pop them in your purse for date night or while you’re driving in the car.
Click HERE for the Would You Rather Printable Question Cards for Couples!
Finding different ways to communicate with your significant other takes time and effort, but it’s so worth it! I hope this list of would you rather questions for couples helps liven up your discussions and strengthens your relationship at the same time.
What are your favorite Would You Rather questions? Drop ‘em in the comments below! I’d love to hear them.
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